Digital Storytelling in the ClassroomDigital storytelling can be a beneficial tool in the classroom. Digital storytelling is a short form of digital media production that…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
How to Use Pinterest for a PBL Unit:If there’s an app I can get lost in for hours on end, it’s Pinterest. Have you ever considered using it in the classroom? Just the other…Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021
Teacher Talk PodcastTeacher Talk podcast is a podcast dedicated to all things “teachery.” (I totally made that word up, ha!) Todays special guest is my dad. He…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
How Can Apps Serve a Purpose in the Classroom?Apps are not only convenient for everyday personal use, but would you believe me if I said they could benefit your classroom as a teacher?Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021